Sunday, August 01, 2010

Summer's Bounty in the kitchen

Most of my day today was spent managing food. In the morning, I went to Trader Joes and Wegmans. Friday I went to the Greenmarket at Union Square for fresh peaches, blackberries, raspberries, apricots and vegetables.
Right now I am away from home a long time for work. I'm tired of trying to find healthy food when eating out. The solution is to take more food with me. I am trying to eat fresh, whole foods, unprocessed.  It's a bit strange, but the more I eat whole foods, my cravings for other foods which are less healthy have diminished.
Today I cooked:
Roasted turkey breast
Roasted vegetables, check out the photo! Two kinds of eggplant, green and yellow squash, garlic, purple peppers and tomatoes from my garden.
Lunch was organic tempeh with lettuce and tomato on whole grain wrap.
I made turkey, broccoli, carrot and organic red quinoa salad for lunch Monday. Also berries with organic yogurt. Breakfast will be turkey, tomato and spinach on a pumpernickel bagel.
I cut up celery and carrots for snacking with hummus.  I love grazing, having small samples of any food.
Made tuna salad with celery and grapes for Tuesday.
Finished blending my nut mix.
Dinner, I was bad and had a white hot with string beans. Only some of you know the delights that a white hot brings to the taste buds~! A minor lapse that will not happen often.
I hope you are enjoying the bounty from your gardens or your local farmers- eat local, eat fresh!