Friday, May 27, 2011

Queen of the World

In case you haven't heard, I am now Queen of the World. Yes, that's right Queen of the World!

Laura Stamper made this ring and when she announced it, I saw my name all over it, so it's mine and I am now Queen.

 I went to my favorite place in the kingdom today, the Grounds for Sculpture.   If you don't believe me,  my friend and protector, King Lear will affirm that indeed, I am Queen of the World!

I love visiting this place.  The landscaping is so interesting and tonight it was so quiet.  I sat by this pool and admired many of Laura's mermaids swimming silently.

So I must tell you that while there can only be one Queen, you can feel special when you find your self at Laura's shop!  I am sure that you are there, just take a look!


Made By Tammy said...

Laura's shop and jewelry are truly amazing!

Cher said...

Cool ring and very cool art sculpture too, Barb... err ahem, I mean Queen ;)

Michele said...

What a great ring, fit for a Queen for sure, those sculptors are awesome also.

Unknown said...

There is an inner goddess in each of us and she can be found in Laura's shop! Thanks for the wonderful jewelry!

JillreOzmay said...

great ring... Your Majesty

Unknown said...

Beautiful Piece. You Shop is Fabulous!

Unknown said...

The Queen was kidnapped on 12/15. Please if you see her, help her return home by contacting the authorities!
Thank you!